Humanitarianism: Education & Conflict: PEAC/EDUC 072 (Amy Kapit)

How can Private Donors Help?

Humanitarian aid to education has historically been under-funded. According to GCE UK, the Education in emergencies sector “receives on average less than 2% of the funding it requests” 22. In a similar vein, the UNICEF Ethiopia Team which has been assisting the young out-of-school children in Tigray received just 12% of the $10.9 million budget it requested. This financial challenge being faced by Education in Emergencies practitioners in Northern Ethiopia boils down to the failure of the international humanitarian system to prioritize education. As a result of this shortage of funds, several Tigray children, especially those in remote areas are in need of temporary learning packets such as school-in-a-carton and early childhood development kits 23. Their teachers are also in need of training programs to develop the psychosocial skills required to support themselves and the learners.

We are calling on you because we know that you have prioritized education in the past or shown a commitment to alleviating difficulties for Ethiopians. Your contribution to the goal will demonstrate the value of local donors in the response to education in emergencies and ensure that humanitarian aid to Tigray continues even after current interventions end. It will also represent an investment in the country’s future workforce as access to education for Tigrayian children will ensure the sustainability of the Ethiopian workforce.

We urge Sunshine Investment Group, Dangote Cement, and Ethiopian Airlines as leaders in their industries to make significant financial commitments for the provision of learning materials for learners and psychosocial training for teachers in Tigray.

We recommend that Sunshine Investment Group, Dangote Cement, and Ethiopian Airlines provide substantial corporate funding towards achieving the goal of $10.4 million. 
We also recommend an awareness campaign via company website and social media pages that raises awareness on the Tigray education crises and urges clients to make financial commitments as well.

See Sample Social Media Poster we have created that can be used to inform visitors to your social media pages of the Tigray education crisis and thus, expand the reach of our advocacy.



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