Humanitarianism: Education & Conflict: PEAC/EDUC 072 (Amy Kapit)

Refugee Education in Exile: The Rights of the Rohingya Child in Bangladesh

Imagine growing up in the same town that your parents, and your parents’ parents, and maybe even generations before that grew up in. Then, imagine that one day, state militia entered the town and destroyed it. What could you do? This is the plight that hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people face in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. If they are lucky enough to escape from the destruction wrought on their ancestral homes, these people leave with severe emotional trauma after being witness to unspeakable atrocities. Unwelcome in their home state, the Rohingya people are forced to seek refuge in nearby and neighboring countries, and one of the largest acceptors of Rohingya refugees is Bangladesh, located to the west of Myanmar.

This Scalar page is designed to offer a brief introduction to the history of the Rohingya people, both in their native country of Myanmar as well as in exile as refugees in Bangladesh. After this foundation, readers can continue to learn more about the crisis by looking at the advocacy materials, which, while targeted at non-governmental organizations that are active in the region, can also provide thoughts and ideas for what any humanitarian aid-oriented citizen can do to help mitigate the impacts of this crisis, particularly on Rohingya children.

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