Signing in Auslan on the march - Save Auslan TAFE Diploma course protest
1 2021-05-20T21:34:38-04:00 Zoe Jannuzi 9d85add707a8be16031a0d968877bb9a43a8d86d 19 1 May 30: Over 500 people from the Victorian deaf community and supporters gathered at Federation Square then marched silently to Parliament House to protest the decision by Premier Ted Baillieu and the Victorian Government to slash $300 million in budget cuts from the TAFE education system which has resulted in Kangan Batman TAFE Institute discontinuing the only Victorian Diploma course in Auslan - the Australian sign language. plain 2021-05-20T21:34:38-04:00 Takver John Englart Takver Creative Commons CC-by-SA Takver Zoe Jannuzi 9d85add707a8be16031a0d968877bb9a43a8d86dThis page is referenced by:
Four Models for Approaching Disability
“Historically, a deficit perspective of people with disabilities and deaf people led to the use of research designs that largely ignored the cultural and linguistic uniqueness found in the deaf community and created many challenges for deaf researchers” (Wilson & Winiarczyk, 2014, p. 266)
- The Charity Model
- The Medical Model
- The Social Model
- The Human Rights Model