EiE Intervention #2: Distance Learning
Distance learning is when members of school communities participate in education from different locations; the instructor teachers their students from a distance. Distance learning is mostly conducted through various online platforms. These platforms fall into categories like psychosocial support, digital learning management systems, and self-directed learning content. Specific platforms include (but aren't limited to) Zoom, Google Classroom, and Khan Academy. Additionally, as previously mentioned, distance learning can also be conducted via radio.
In the context of this conflict, distance learning is somewhat effective. The effectiveness of this intervention depends on accessibility and affordability of educational technology. If the necessary devices (ex. tablets, laptop computers) are accessible and affordable, then distance learning can take place and be successful. If the necessary devices are out of reach, then distance learning is not very realistic. There's still the method of radio learning, however, which has already proven to be successful in northeast Nigeria.