The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Sonechka 92-97

Veronica Yabloko

pg. 92 — holdall
A small bag used to pack and carry personal items, similar to a carry-on bag.

pg. 93 — Gavrilin
Valery Gavrilin. Part of the neo-folklore wave, Gavrilin was considered an exemplary Soviet artist and was awarded the USSR State Prize. Gavrilin was called an artist of the people, using his music to illustrate contemporary life in the USSR.

pg. 93 — Barbizonian
Person belonging to the Barbizon school of art, a movement in Paris during the nineteenth century. The Barbizon school was part of the larger European naturalist movement. Moving away from the romantic landscapes preceding the school, Barbizonian painters strived to paint landscapes more realistically. The school's leaders Théodore Rousseau and Jean-François Millet were inspired by seventeenth century Dutch and English painters who illustrated landscapes with a focus on observation and appreciation for nature.

pg. 97 — Vosfryakovo
A township within Moscow, Russia.

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