The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Sonechka 45-52

pg. 45 — Barbizonian
Relating to an art movement that began among painters in 19th century France which promoted Realism. Common subjects included landscapes or animals.

pg. 45 — Morandi
Italian artist Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964) was known for his still life paintings of subjects such as crockery.

pg. 45 — Dynamo football stadium
This was a football stadium, built in 1928 and with a capacity of over 36,000, located in Moscow. It closed in 2008 and was demolished in 2011 to be replaced with a new arena.

pg. 45 — rue Gay-Lussac / Jardin du Luxembourg
Rue Gay-Lussac is a street near the center of Paris, and the Jardin du Luxembourg is a large 17th century formal garden adjoining the street. In English, it is called the Luxembourg Gardens.

pg. 51 — “Sefer ha-zohar the Book of Splendour, the ground-laying treatise of the Kabbala”
The Kabbala is an esoteric body of Jewish teachings originating from the 12th century. Sefer ha-zohar is Hebrew for the Book of Splendor, and is a book very important to followers of this belief.

pg. 51 — “the Jewish Podol suburb of Kiev”
Podol is a district in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The region is home to a Jewish community.

pg. 51 — Lev Shestov
Lev Shestov (1866-1938) was a Russian philosopher. His philosophy was rooted in faith and subjective experience (therefore making him an existentialist) rather than in investigations other philosophers might borrow from the physical sciences.

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