The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Sonechka 32-38

Tyler Hicks

pg. 32 — Sverdlovsk
Major Russian city now known as Yekaterinburg. This city is a large cultural and political center of the central-west region of Russia.

pg. 33 — Garden of Eden
The biblical "Garden of God" in which the first two humans, Adam and Eve, were created. It is here where God created a peacefully innocent existence. However, unbeknownst to God, his own creations would disobey his only order: to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Eve knowingly breaks this command, eating an apple from this tree thereby eternally damning all future generations of humans.

pg. 34 — bazaar
A market or marketplace within Middle Eastern culture, particularly in hopes to raise money for a specific cause.

pg. 36 — Alexandrovo
Administrative district in mid-central Russia. One of thirty-eight municipal districts in central Russia.

pg. 36 — the Urals
Massive mountain range that spans the majority of Russia from north to south (directly through Western Russia). This mountain range is one of the primary land masses that form the border between Europe and Asia.

pg. 37 — Kalinin
Former name of Tver, a Russian city located approximately 120 kilometers northwest of Moscow. This city is one of the major administrative centers for the broad Russian countryside. 

pg. 37 — Pushkino
City and administrative center of the Pushkinsky District of the Moscow region. This large, business-oriented city is located about 30 kilometers northeast of Moscow. 

pg. 37 — Lianozovo
Administrative district located within Moscow. This incredibly influential city within Moscow politics, Lianozovo is one of seventeen administrative districts within the greater Moscow area.

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