The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Sonechka 60-66

pg. 63 — Alexander Ivanovich, the Barbizonian
A Barbizonian is a member of the Barbizon school of art characterized by realism and soft, loose brushstrokes from the 1830s through the 1870s. The style was influenced by Romantic depictions of natural scenery as the subject of paintings rather than backgrounds. If people were featured in Barbizonian-style paintings, painters focused on the physical and financial realities of agricultural life rather than the idealized lifestyle of the bourgeoise. 

pg. 63 — Marina Vlady in "The Sorceress" 
"The Sorceress" is a movie about a civil engineer Brulard who meets Ina, played by Marina Vlady, a free-spirited local girl in Sweden and attempts to civilize her, only to be killed by the locals instead. The film was released in 1956, and the young actress looks similar to the enchanting "snow queen" Jasia with whom Robert is so enamored. 

pg. 66 — Przegląd Artystyczny
A Polish contemporary art review magazine published from 1946 to 1973. Robert reminds Jasia of an older man featured in the magazine. Her focus on his physical features suggests his appeal to her, which may be due to the "George Clooney Effect," where younger women may be attracted to older men for their age, financial independence, and physical appearance. Regardless of the reason, Jasia and Robert are drawn to each other.

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