Humanitarianism: Education & Conflict: PEAC/EDUC 072 (Amy Kapit)

My Takeaways

While much time and attention has been devoted to outlining what must be done to fix the educational system in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria, many of the infrastructural changes and programs have not been put in place yet due to a variety of factors. The foremost being the ongoing problems; earthquakes, COVID-19 pandemic, and the latter being the withholding of government grants by the Trump Administration. However, the Biden Administration has outlined their steps to providing aid to Puerto Rico, and with the influx of money, the hope is that the island will begin to, not just truly heal, but make progress and be better than when the Hurricane first made landfall. The Biden Administration's plan is outlined as follows;
In the end, the road to progress is long, but Puerto Rico is on the right path; "Starting in July 2020, the Puerto Rico Department of Education distributed computers to connect to classes and implemented the Microsoft Teams system as the official teaching system. However, the digital divide has remained."(2), it just has to deal with issues from three separate natural disasters at once. And while that is certainly not easy, the island of Puerto Rico is resilient. 

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