The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Sofia Petrovna 36-45

Sara Laine

pg. 36 
 — Smolny
Originally founded as the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens (1764) in St. Petersburg, the building was used by Vladimir Lenin as a residence during the October Revolution (1917) and later functioned as the headquarters for the communist party. It is now a memorial site, called the Lenin Memorial Museum.

pg. 36 — Maria Erastovna Kiparisova
Wife of doctor Ivan Ignatyich Kiparisov, who was arrested by the state. Old friend of Sofia Petrovna.

pg. 38 — Red Arrow
An express train to Moscow

pg. 40 Bolshevik
A member of the leftist Communist party led by Vladimir Lenin. They were included in the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, then after their split from this larger group under Lenin's direction came the name "Bolshevik" meaning "of the majority." Cycling through various names afterwards, the Bolsheviks were the ruling party in Russia from their coup d'état in 1917 until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Pg. 40 — Citizen A.
An anonymous male Russian character in a cautionary newspaper piece warning against enemies of the state. He brought disgrace to himself and the party as he was once an upstanding citizen and loyal to the Communist party, but allegedly became enamored with a Western spy who seduced him and stole political documents from him during his time on a mission in Germany.

pg. 40 — S.
Representative of the evil West, this unnamed German woman is a spy who used her beauty and charm to disarm Citizen A. and steal important political documents for her own government's gain.

pg. 41 — Chekists
Members of the Secret Police.

pg. 42 — White officer
An officer in the White Army, volunteer anti-Bolshevik forces led by General Lavr Kornilov and comprised of a combination of landowners, royalists seeking to restore the monarchy, religious members of the Russian Orthodox church, and members of other political parties.

pg. 45 Sverdlovsk
A region that encompasses west central Russia and former name of Yekaterinburg.

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