The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Envy 55-64

Sara Laine

pg. 55 — Valya 
Andrei Petrovich Babichev's young adult niece, and the object of both Volodya Makarov and Nikolai's affection.

pg. 55 — philistine
A person who is indifferent or hostile towards intellectual or artistic pursuits.

pg. 57 — Quasimodo
Reference to the grotesque appearance of the protagonist of Victor Hugo's 1831 novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." 

pg. 58 — Tom Virleelee
1) Nikolai's interpretation of the sound of bells (tom) and cymbals (virleelee) and subsequent personification of a young man searching for his way in the world.
2) Reference to Volodya Makarov.

pg. 59 — Volodya Makarov
A young soccer player for Moscow that Andrei Petrovich takes under his wing.

pg. 64 — Komsomolers
Members of the Komsomol (acronym of Kommunisticheskiy Soyuz Molodyozhi/Communist Union of Youth), a Leninist Communist organization for young adults existing from October 1918 until the fall of the USSR in 1991.

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