The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Envy 15-24


pg. 15 - Philistine
"a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them."

pg. 15 - Commissar
"an official of the Communist Party, especially in the former Soviet Union or present-day China, responsible for political education and organization.
used to refer specifically to the political commissars of Soviet and Eastern Bloc armies, while administrative officers are called "commissary"."

pg. 17 - Jocasta
greek myth?

pg. 22 - Volodya Makarov
He is an 18-year-old impressive Russian national soccer athlete. He is like a son to Babichev and Babichev mentors him to become an impressive "machine" which is a prized character trait is Soviet Russian society. 

pg. 24 - Ivan Andryusha
He is Babichev's older brother. He is more similar though to Nikolai in regards to personality and demeanor. Babichev looks down on Andryusha in the same way he pities Nikolai. 

pg. 24 - Ophelia
Ophelia is a machine that Andryusha states he invented which is the most incredible machine in existence and he will kill Babichev with it. 

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