The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Wings 32-38

pg. 32 — poddyovka
A traditional Russian coat resembling that of a caftan. It was often worn by Russian peasants during the 18th and 19th centuries. These thick, warm garments came back into fashion much later in history (around the late 20th century), although they originally were signs of poverty and insufficiency within literature. 

pg. 32 — Pechersky
Russian author (Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov) best known by his alias Andrey Pechersky. His work was described by many as influential Transvolga literature, or literature surrounding the major Russian river (Volga River), its river-life, and most importantly, a depiction of the cultural beliefs within the wide and diverse land within the explicit area of the Volga. Some of his main works were In the Forests and On the Hills.

pg. 33 — Limonar
Book written by Russian writer Aleksei Mikhailovich Remizov in the late 19th century. A foundational Russian satire, Limonar was created to emphasize a pre-Petrine Russian, or the era before Peter the Great of Russia took over in 1672. Remizov described his own work as a sort of restoration of the character as a representation of Russia as a cultural entity. Also, the ideas in Remizov's literature is encompassed by a sense of the looming Communist reign coming later within the next 25-35 years. 

pg. 35 — Old Believers
The Old Believers were a group of Russian religious martyrs who are commonly tied to the upholding of traditional Eastern Orthodox belief systems. One of the main beliefs within this religious niche is the idea that the changes within the Russian Church are ridiculous and unneeded. Therefore, these individuals utilize the Slavonic Russian translations of Greek texts, rather than the post-Schism translations. Specifically, these belief systems were popularized before the changing of religious beliefs by a series of reforms set in place by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow during the mid 17th century.

pg. 36 — The Thousand and One Nights
Collection of Middle Eastern folk tales compiled during the Islamic Golden Age. During this era, approximately 800 AD to the mid 13th century, where culture and art flourished under tolerant political leaders. This anthology of classic Arabic literature is steeped in the ideas of love and sexuality was kindled around liberty and freedom, in that the tales depict these aspects in great detail for the time period.

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