The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Wings 39-40, 43-47

Sara Laine

pg. 39 — Fyodor Vasilyevich Solovyov 
Also referred to as Fedya; Stroop’s servant and lover.

pg. 39 — Oryol Province
Region southwest of Moscow, named for the River Oryol ("eagle" in Russian) and the birthplace of numerous great Russian writers (Ivan Turgenev, Nikolai Leskov, Leonid Andreyev to name a few). Originally created in 1566 by Tsar Ivan IV to protect Russia's Western borders, over the course of the next two hundred years the region became crucial for trade due to its strategic location.

pg. 43 — Maria Dmitriyevna
The sister of Arina Dmitriyevna and Sasha's aunt.

pg. 44 — St. Eugenia
Martyred c. 258, daughter of Roman Governor of Alexandria.

pg. 44 — Nifont
Archbishop of Novgorod from 1130-1156.

pg. 44 — Pafnuty Borovsky
Saint in the Orthodox Church and founder of a monastery at Borovsk. 

pg. 44 — Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich
Known as Ivan the Terrible (1530-84), and Grand Prince of Moscow and All Russia. After acquiring the throne in 1547, he became the first Russian tsar. 

pg. 45 — Sergei
The Sorokin family’s shop assistant.

pg. 45 — Sasha
The son of Prokhor Nikitich and Arina Dmitriyevna.

pg. 45 — Arina Dmitriyevna
The wife of Prokhor Nikitich, mother of Sasha, and sister of Maria Dmitriyevna.

pg. 46 — Prokhor Nikitich
Father of Sasha and husband to Arina Dmitriyevna.

pg. 46 — Order of St. George
Highest military honor in Russia for bravery, established by Empress Catherine the Great.

pg. 47 — Sorokin
The family name of Prokhor Nikitich and Sasha. 

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