The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

The Aviator 29-59


pg. 29  Pelageya Vasilyevna
A women Innokenty Platonov meets while standing in line for rations.

pg. 29  Nikolai Kuzmich 
He holds a space in line for Pelageya while she gets cover from the cold. 

pg. 29 — Skvortsov
Someone Platonov seems to know who tries to skip in line. Another memory floats to the surface later and it seems Skvortsov is friends with Platonov, and they share vodka together.

pg. 30  Themis
She is the lady of good counsel, an appropriate gift for someone with a law degree. 

pg. 31  Tsiolkovsky
He was a late 18th century and early 19th century Russian and society rocket scientist. He developed astronautic theory. This reference emphasizes that Platonov is basically in a different universe. Tsiolkovsky theorized about ways to get to space, and now after Platonov awakes, humans have already walked on the moon. 

pg. 33  Siverskaya
A popular summer holiday destination for middle class families in the 1930s to the 1950s in the Soviet Union. It leaves a positive, whimsical memory for Platonov of his early childhood. Here, he met his first love at the age of 7, a neighborhood girl.

pg. 33  Warsaw railroad line
A set of seven railroad lines located in Warsaw, Russia. 

pg. 34  Gatchina
A town in Leningrad Oblast, Russia.

pg. 37  Kuokkala
This is the Finnish name for Repino, St. Petersburg. This is notable because Platonov isn't aware that the name has changed. 

pg. 39  “You have not perfected construction of form, it is not yet time to move on to light and shadow”

pg. 40  Kamennoostrovsky Prospect 
A mainstream in St. Petersburg. According to Platonov's memories, he is very fond of St. Petersburg.

pg. 44  Cloning & Cryogenics
This seems to be implying what happened to Platonov and could explain his odd aging. 

pg. 45  Yusupov Garden
A garden in St. Petersburg. Platonov mistakenly thinks this is where he met Anastasia while ice skating. 

pg. 47  Aviator Platinov
This seems to be implying perhaps his condition is related to flying. 

pg. 49  Petrograd City Soviet
From 1917 to 1924, "Petrograd" was the capital of Russia. The police force for St. Petersburg that placed Platonov and his mother in their new living situation. 

pg. 49  Densification

pg. 49  Sergei Nikiforovich
A man who lives in one of the rooms in the house Platonov and his mother live in. He works at a sausage factory and is an intriguing individual to Platonov. 

pg. 50  Voronins
Anastasia and her father. 

pg. 50  Nikolai Ivanovich Zaretsky
Anastasia's father who is a professor. His house was deemed to be shared with others. 

pg. 55 — The Great War & The Great Patriotic War
Platonov's memories only recall the Great War. This adds an interesting shock to him, because it became known as World War I and another war even greater occurred later. 

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