The 20th-Century Russian Novel: Revolution, Terror, Resistance

Between Dog & Wolf 212-227

pg. 212 — Fugleman 
A type of trained soldier who would stand in front of other soldiers as the model during drill exercises. Originates from the German word "Flügelmann"  which means "wing-man."

pg. 212 — The Archer
Could refer to a number of mythological archers in Greek, Roman, Indian, Iranian, or Norse mythology. Some more famous examples of mythological archers include Apollo, Artemis, Arash, and Ashwatthama.

pg. 213 — Buckhorn 
A type of shrub, genus name Rhamnus, that produces berries and blooms in the Spring. Several types of Buckhorn are considered invasive in certain areas because of how rapidly they spread and take over woodlands.

pg. 213 — Scorpio
A constellation that represents the scorpion and is related to the Greek mythological story of Orion. Orion was a mythological hunter said to be killed by a Scorpion. The constellation Orion is positioned in such a way that it is said he is running from Scorpio in the sky. It was first discovered in the 2nd century by Ptolemy, and, notably, it is located near the center of the Milky Way.

pg. 213 — Winged boys
"Winged boys" could be referring to cherubs often depicted in Medieval and Renaissance art. In Roman Mythology cherubs, specifically Cupid the son of Venus, represent love. It was during the Renaissance that cherubs came to be depicted as young babies, representing the innocence of true love.

pg. 214 — Eider duck
A type of duck commonly found on the northern seacoast. Eider ducks are the largest ducks in the northern hemisphere. Notably, male and female Eider ducks look quite distinct from one another, with the males adorned in black and white feathers while the females camouflage into the coast with their brown plumage.

pg. 214 — Brahmaputra
A river that runs from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal and mingles with the Ganges River. The Brahmaputra river runs through India, Nepal, Bangladesh, China, and even more countries, making it one of the most significant rivers in Central and South Asia. Currently, many different people of different cultures intersect in Brahmaputra valley, including Tibetan monks and tribal groups from India.

pg. 224 — Weisenboden
Can refer to any dark meadow soil with gray underlayers. These layers are developed from poor drainage. The soil is typically brimming with organic matter.

pg. 226 — Our Lady of Sorrows
A name given to the Virgin Mary to emphasize her suffering. "Sorrows" does not only refer to the sadness of her child's death, but also the seven sorrows she was predicted to experience by Priest Simeon. The seven sorrows all refer to different stages of Jesus's life and death

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