Browse Exhibits (4 total)
Murray's (1895)

John Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Algeria and Tunis encompasses what would have been the ideal guide for a 20th century European seeking a North African getaway.
Cook's (1908)

Cook’s Practical Guide to Algeria and Tunisia (1908) provided comprehensive information for European tourists tinged with imperialist ideology.
Illustrated Guide (1913)

The main text of this guide is organized into five main sections, entitled Algiers-General Description, The Town of Algiers, The Environs of Algiers, The Interior, and Practical Information.
Guide du Voyageur (1846)

The Guide du Voyageur en Algérie for “the savant, the artist, the man of the world and the colonial settler,” is a French-language guidebook printed in Paris and published in 1847, 17 years after the French conquered Algeria.