‘In the end, it doesn’t matter’ Maxim Martsinkevich, Russia’s media-savviest neo-Nazi, is dead and leaves behind a legacy of hate speech, violence, and viral popularity


This article prompted by the death of well known Russian Neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich goes into the story of the far right extremist, tracing his indoctrination to his presence in nationalist groups ending with his suicide in prison.  Political groups and their leaders, especially ones like this with violent and hateful attitudes that gained significant popularity (or virality) represent the furthest boundaries of cultural identity and provide meaningful insight into contemporary Russia.
‘In the end, it doesn’t matter’ Maxim Martsinkevich, Russia’s media-savviest neo-Nazi, is dead and leaves behind a legacy of hate speech, violence, and viral popularity
September 17, 2020
This article prompted by the death of well known Russian Neo-Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich goes into the story of the far right extremist, tracing his indoctrination to his presence in nationalist groups ending with his suicide in prison. Political groups and their leaders, especially ones like this with violent and hateful attitudes that gained significant popularity (or virality) represent the furthest boundaries of cultural identity and provide meaningful insight into contemporary Russia.
Maxim Solopov for Meduza
Kevin Rothrock